Poor housing harms health in American Indian and Alaska Native communities

Robbed of ancestral lands, American Indian and Alaska Native tribal communities face an unparalleled housing crisis that pleads for national housing reforms. As victims of centuries of intentional government policies to remove and reallocate lands and resources, many live in third-world conditions that have led to sky-high rates of health problems, ranging from diabetes and …

Poor housing harms health in American Indian and Alaska Native communities Read More »

Screening at home for memory loss: Should you try it?

It is estimated that worldwide there are more than 55 million people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of dementia, and this number is estimated to rise to 78 million by 2030 and 139 million by 2050. There are simply not enough neurologists, psychiatrists, geriatricians, neuropsychologists, and other specialists to diagnose these individuals with …

Screening at home for memory loss: Should you try it? Read More »

Anti-inflammatory food superstars for every season

Berries and watermelon in the summer, kale and beets in the winter. The recipe for anti-inflammatory foods to enjoy can change with the seasons. Your heart, your brain, and even your joints can benefit from a steady diet of these nutritious foods, and scientists think that their effects on inflammation may be one reason why. …

Anti-inflammatory food superstars for every season Read More »

The plant milk shake-up: Pea and pistachio join oat and almond

For the longest time, your milk choices were whole, 2%, 1%, and fat-free (or skim). Today, refrigerator shelves at grocery stores are crowded with plant-based milks made from nuts, beans, or grains, and include favorites like almond, soy, coconut, cashew, oat, and rice. Yet the fertile ground of the plant-milk business continues to sprout new …

The plant milk shake-up: Pea and pistachio join oat and almond Read More »

Comparing traditional and robotic-assisted surgery for prostate cancer

An operation called a radical prostatectomy has long been a mainstay of prostate cancer treatment. Offered most often to men whose cancer has not yet begun to spread, it involves removing the entire prostate gland, and can be performed in different ways. With the traditional "open" method, surgeons remove the prostate through an 8-to-10-inch incision …

Comparing traditional and robotic-assisted surgery for prostate cancer Read More »

Why all the buzz about inflammation — and just how bad is it?

Quick health quiz: how bad is inflammation for your body? You’re forgiven if you think inflammation is very bad. News sources everywhere will tell you it contributes to the top causes of death worldwide. Heart disease, stroke, dementia, and cancer all have been linked to chronic inflammation. And that’s just the short list. So, what …

Why all the buzz about inflammation — and just how bad is it? Read More »